
The National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) conducts research to drive essential systemic changes that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion within the engineering and technology fields.
Data And Statistics
Explore data from various credible sources on Black representation in colleges, rates of successful degree completion, and overall employment trends across industries.
Journal of Black Excellence in Engineering, Science & Technology
The Journal of Black Excellence in Engineering, Science and Technology (BEST) is an open-access, peer-reviewed publication dedicated to exploring the intersection of the African diaspora with science, engineering, and technology. BEST aims to raise awareness of engineering and opportunities for Black individuals in the profession, address issues affecting Black communities and the careers of Black engineers, and foster interest in various scientific and technical discipline.
Publications, Reports, Presentations.
Discover research papers, articles, and reports published by NSBE members.
Game Change 2025 Executive Summary

Game Change 2025, the 2020–2025 Strategic Plan of the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE), reshapes the work of the Society’s mission to enable greater success in the coming era of social and economic transformation.
State of the Society

Explore the State of Society dashboard for a comprehensive look at the year-end count and demographics of NSBE members. From diverse engineering disciplines, this interactive tool provides valuable insights into the makeup of our thriving community.
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