Member Security and Safety

NSBE is committed to ensuring that our mission is supported by qualified advisors and other volunteers and that we continue to create a safe environment for our members.

Having the proper security procedures in place, such as requiring background checks for advisors, is essential for our NBSE members.

Policy Language

Policy Language

Background check screening will be required for all adults that interact with NSBE Jr members. The background check will screen for child-related offenses, violent felonies, sexual offenses, and financial crimes (ex. embezzlement) committed within the last 10 years. Information discovered through the background check process will be used solely for the purpose of evaluating whether the applicant will be permitted to interact with NSBE Jr members. 


If the background check for a NSBE Jr. Advisor or other volunteer reveals any disqualifying offenses, the individual will not be permitted to facilitate NSBE Jr. chapter operations or attend any NSBE Jr. sponsored events. If a NSBE Jr. Advisor is disqualified and the chapter has more than one advisor, the second advisor will take over that chapter. If there are no other advisors, that chapter will be disenfranchised until further notice (no funding support, no scholarship eligibility for members, permission revoked to use the NSBE and NSBE Jr. trademarks, etc.)


  • How do I apply for a background check?

    Click the link labeled Background Check Application inside of the Charter Chapter Application and follow the instructions. The process is simple.

    More information is available in this document.

  • Who is responsible for payment of the background check?

    Each applicant is responsible for the payment of their background check.

  • How will I find out my results?

    You can request to have your results sent to you by selecting “Send Me My Results” in the background check application. 

    National background checks are completed within 24-48 hours. International background checks can take up to 2 weeks. However, keep in mind that receipt of your results does not mean you are qualified or disqualified. 

    The decision is made by NSBE Chapter Charter and processing time is 15 business days.

  • What happens if I fail the background check?

    If NSBE Chapter Charter determines that you are disqualified based on the results of your background checl.You will not be allowed to participate or receive benefits as an Advisor, Chaperone or volunteer of a NSBE Jr chapter. If there is no other qualified  advisor the chapter will be disenfranchised.

  • What qualifies as an unsatisfactory background check?

    The background check screen is for child-related offenses, violent felonies, sexual offenses, and financial crimes (ex. embezzlement).

  • How often is it required to renew a background check?

    NSBE requires each applicant to submit a background check every 5 years.

  • Is the background fee refundable if I fail?

    All fees incurred for the background checks are non-refundable.

  • I have already completed a background check with another organization. Do I need to complete another application if I have proof?

    NSBE requires all applicants to complete our background checking processes.

If you have any concerns regarding the safety of a child or yourself while participating in a NSBE program or event, please contact our Membership and Registration team at

For more information about the application process, we recommend visiting the Applicant Support portal.

Black Excellence Engineered

We envision a world in which engineering is a mainstream word in homes and communities of color, and all Black students can envision themselves as engineers. In this world, Blacks exceed parity in entering engineering fields, earning degrees, and succeeding professionally.

How to renew your membership

  1. Click Renew Action Button
  2. Once you’ve reached your account homepage, click “Renew” on the red banner at the top of your screen or the tab labeled “Memberships/Subscriptions” > “View Inactive Subscriptions” and then “Renew”.
  3. Select a membership item you would like to renew on the next page.
  4. Update your personal information if needed.
  5. Follow the prompts.
  6. Verify the items in your cart for accuracy. If you selected the wrong membership type, please go back and make your changes as needed before completing payment. Membership payments are non-refundable.
  7. Submit.

Please contact if you have any questions or concerns.

Information regarding the Open Enrollment Campaign

We open enrollment for the new membership cycle on May 1st each year which will allow members an additional 2 months to renew and receive benefits. Please note that membership subscriptions are not prorated. However, if you plan on renewing your membership mid-year to qualify for registration discounts or other benefits, that is fine. However, please be aware that renewing a membership following the Annual Convention will only grant you a subscription that lasts for only a month or less. We strongly recommend waiting until May 1st to maximize your investment.

Each region is divided into Collegiate and Professionals, each with their own board and programming. Please visit the sub-sites for more information.
Each region is divided into Collegiate and Professionals, each with their own board and programming. Please visit the sub-sites for more information.
Each region is divided into Collegiate and Professionals, each with their own board and programming. Please visit the sub-sites for more information.
Each region is divided into Collegiate and Professionals, each with their own board and programming. Please visit the sub-sites for more information.
Each region is divided into Collegiate and Professionals, each with their own board and programming. Please visit the sub-sites for more information.
Each region is divided into Collegiate and Professionals, each with their own board and programming. Please visit the sub-sites for more information.