
The National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) conducts research to drive essential systemic changes that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion within the engineering and technology fields

Data and Statistics

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Higher Education General Information Survey (HEGIS), “Fall Enrollment in Colleges and Universities” surveys, 1976 and 1980; Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), “Fall Enrollment Survey” (IPEDS- EF:90); and IPEDS Fall Enrollment component, Spring 2001 through Spring 2022 (final data) and Spring 2023 (provisional data).

(This table was prepared December 2023.)

SOURCE: American Society for Engineering Education. (2021). Profiles of Engineering and Engineering Technology. Washington, DC

SOURCE: American Society for Engineering Education. (2021). Profiles of Engineering and Engineering Technology. Washington, DC,

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Higher Education General Information Survey (HEGIS), “Degrees and Other Formal Awards Conferred” surveys, 1976-77 and 1980-81; Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), “Completions Survey” (IPEDS- C:91); and IPEDS, Completions component, Fall 2000 through Fall 2021 (final data) and Fall 2022 (provisional data).

(This table was prepared November 2023.)

SOURCE: American Society for Engineering Education. (2022). Profiles of Engineering and Engineering Technology. Washington, DC

SOURCE: American Society for Engineering Education. (2022). Profiles of Engineering and Engineering Technology. Washington, DC

Employed Black Engineers and Scientists


Science and Engineering occupations


Science and Engineering related


Aerospace, aeronautical or astronautical engineers


Chemical engineers


Civil, architectural or sanitary engineers


Electrical or computer hardware engineers


Industrial engineers


Mechanical engineers


Other engineers

SOURCE: National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics, National Survey of College Graduates, 2021.

How to renew your membership

  1. Click Renew Action Button
  2. Once you’ve reached your account homepage, click “Renew” on the red banner at the top of your screen or the tab labeled “Memberships/Subscriptions” > “View Inactive Subscriptions” and then “Renew”.
  3. Select a membership item you would like to renew on the next page.
  4. Update your personal information if needed.
  5. Follow the prompts.
  6. Verify the items in your cart for accuracy. If you selected the wrong membership type, please go back and make your changes as needed before completing payment. Membership payments are non-refundable.
  7. Submit.

Please contact if you have any questions or concerns.

Information regarding the Open Enrollment Campaign

We open enrollment for the new membership cycle on May 1st each year which will allow members an additional 2 months to renew and receive benefits. Please note that membership subscriptions are not prorated. However, if you plan on renewing your membership mid-year to qualify for registration discounts or other benefits, that is fine. However, please be aware that renewing a membership following the Annual Convention will only grant you a subscription that lasts for only a month or less. We strongly recommend waiting until May 1st to maximize your investment.