National Society of Black Engineers to hold its 11th Annual Professional Development Conference, August 20–24, in Washington, DC

Published on

June 3, 2024

NSBE’s PDC Will Offer a Wealth of Career-Boosting Activities Around the Theme
‘A Purposeful Journey’

ALEXANDRIA, VA — NSBE Professionals, the 3,800-member organization for STEM professionals of the
National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) will host its 11th Annual Professional Development
Conference (PDC) in Washington, DC, Aug. 20–24, 2024. NSBE Professionals is celebrating 36 years of
service to NSBE’s mission, “to increase the number of culturally responsible Black engineers who excel
academically, succeed professionally and positively impact the community.”

“Our goal for this event is to provide a space where technical professionals can continue to grow
professionally from our engaging workshops, trainings and events,” said 2024 Professional Development
Conference Chair Maurice D. Patterson, who supports the Naval Air Warfare Center, Aircraft Division
(NAWC-AD) and is a former chair of NSBE’s National Professionals Executive Board. “With topics in
Leadership Empowerment, Personal Performance Improvement, Technical Innovation &
Entrepreneurship, and Career Advancement & Technical Training, this conference aims to benefit our
attendees in every aspect of their professional lives.”

Attendees at the PDC will come from all segments of NSBE Professionals’ membership and the
organization’s 80-plus chapters in the U.S. and abroad. The conference will also attract local earlycareer, mid-level and senior-level technical professionals who are eager to network with like-minded
professionals. As in past years, NSBE’s sponsoring partners for the event are expected to include
corporate, government and nonprofit organizations, including Fortune 500 companies and other large
employers, who support NSBE’s mission and are excited to participate as recruiters and provide training
and workshops to attendees.

Activities at the conference will range from workshops to panel discussions presented by educators,
STEM professionals, entrepreneurs, collaborating organizations and more, all centered on the theme “A
Purposeful Journey.” The phrase expresses the need for STEM-trained professionals to take ownership
of their personal and professional life journeys.

To support NSBE’s mission by guiding young people into the STEM career “pipeline,” the PDC will offer a
mentoring roundtable event for high school students. The conference’s “NSBE Professionals Golf
Classic” and “Destination Excellence” boat brunch will serve as fundraisers for the Edward E. Barnett Jr.
Community Impact Scholarship, which provides scholarships for continuing education for professionals
and for graduate students. An inspiring awards ceremony honoring outstanding achievers in STEM fields
and community service, the Evening of Excellence Gala, will highlight NSBE Professionals’ commitment
to celebrating those making an impact.

“As the challenges to diversity, equity and inclusion grow, NSBE’s drive for professional success for Black
engineers and technologists through events such as our PDC becomes more critical,” said Patterson. “I
invite you to attend this event to experience the career- and community-enhancing activities we have to

Registration for NSBE’s 11th Annual Professional Development Conference (#NSBEPDC2024) is now
open. Click here to register.

Founded in 1975, the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) is one of the largest student-governed
organizations based in the United States. With more than 20,000 members and more than 700 chapters in
the U.S. and abroad, NSBE supports and promotes the aspirations of collegiate and pre-collegiate students and technical professionals in engineering and technology. NSBE’s mission is “to increase the number of culturally responsible Black engineers who excel academically, succeed professionally and positively impact the community.” For more information, visit

Sign up to follow NSBE PDC and NSBE Professionals on social media.

How to renew your membership

  1. Click Renew Action Button
  2. Once you’ve reached your account homepage, click “Renew” on the red banner at the top of your screen or the tab labeled “Memberships/Subscriptions” > “View Inactive Subscriptions” and then “Renew”.
  3. Select a membership item you would like to renew on the next page.
  4. Update your personal information if needed.
  5. Follow the prompts.
  6. Verify the items in your cart for accuracy. If you selected the wrong membership type, please go back and make your changes as needed before completing payment. Membership payments are non-refundable.
  7. Submit.

Please contact if you have any questions or concerns.

Information regarding the Open Enrollment Campaign

We open enrollment for the new membership cycle on May 1st each year which will allow members an additional 2 months to renew and receive benefits. Please note that membership subscriptions are not prorated. However, if you plan on renewing your membership mid-year to qualify for registration discounts or other benefits, that is fine. However, please be aware that renewing a membership following the Annual Convention will only grant you a subscription that lasts for only a month or less. We strongly recommend waiting until May 1st to maximize your investment.

Each region is divided into Collegiate and Professionals, each with their own board and programming. Please visit the sub-sites for more information.
Each region is divided into Collegiate and Professionals, each with their own board and programming. Please visit the sub-sites for more information.
Each region is divided into Collegiate and Professionals, each with their own board and programming. Please visit the sub-sites for more information.
Each region is divided into Collegiate and Professionals, each with their own board and programming. Please visit the sub-sites for more information.
Each region is divided into Collegiate and Professionals, each with their own board and programming. Please visit the sub-sites for more information.
Each region is divided into Collegiate and Professionals, each with their own board and programming. Please visit the sub-sites for more information.