Greetings from the Women in Science & Engineering SIG!
WISE is here and ready to connect and network with our members. Through social media, webinars, workshops and community outreach, WISE is here to serve and support you. For decades Women have forged ahead in the areas of STEM, which has given NSBE Women in Science and Engineering Special Interest Group (WISE SIG) a platform to affect change by giving everyone a voice to be heard.
Our mission is to Enlighten, Engage, and Empower not only NSBE women in STEM but foster relationships and collaborate with communities and institutions outside of NSBE. We also want to continue to build and establish WISE as a foundational special interest group for both NSBE Collegiate and professional members.
This year we will focus on highlighting “The untold story of the underrepresented sector of the engineering world; Women in STEM”.
Joining WISE SIG will provide you the opportunity to:
- Join the conversation
- Make an impact
- Networ
Goals / Initiatives
- WISE Membership List Reconnect with our members
- Host an annual roundtable discussion – webinar
- Focus tracks related to – Career-development, workshops, and education grants list for women engineers
- Increase membership and aid in the retention of women engineers at schools
- Create a positive impact on our community, college campuses, and in the workplace
- Provide mentorship opportunities for students transitioning from college to the workforce
- Provide a platform for women to discuss WISE related topics
We encourage you to join us, be part of the conversation and play a part in moving the needle forward –Welcome to WISE!!
Please contact us if you have any questions or want to collaborate at:

Meet the WISE Director
Hola! My name is Valerie Thomas and I’m honored and excited to serve as your WISE Director. As a true southern belle, I was born in raised in Atlanta, Ga. I’ve been a member of NSBE since 1998 and during that time I’ve served in chapter, regional and national leadership. I have a Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Industrial Engineering Technology and a Masters of Business Administration in Marketing from Southern Polytechnic State University (SPSU). I currently work for Siemens as a Communications Manager for the Process Industries and Drives division.
Director – Valerie C. Thomas
Marketing Communications Manager – Siemens