Professional Resources
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Resources for Professionals
Chapter Health Initiative for Professionals (CHIP)
Functional Support
Recognition Framework
Chapter confirms that it is active and current; able to maintain contact and do basic activities.- Administrative Zone
Charter Status Active - 10 members, officers, and delegate(s) on NSBE Connect, or Petition Approved
Constitution/Bylaws on file and current
- Membership Zone
One or more Membership Drive/Networking Mixer per year
- Communication Zone
Separately maintained E-mail list of members, prospective members, and stakeholders
Social Media Presence on at least one platform
- Programs Zone
One Staple program per quarter executed locally and reported (PCI/CI/Prof Dev/TORCH)
- Finance Zone
Chapter Bank Account or other resource repository in place.
501c3 status current (GEN Survey or Independent)
- Administrative Zone
Chapter shares formal plans and is executing some of NSBE's programming.- Administrative Zone
Meets All Zone requirements of Basic Level
Has a documented goal plan for year
Regular General Body Meetings scheduled, held, and reported.
- Membership Zone
Formal member recruitment/retention strategy in goal plan
Stable or Growing Membership
- Communication Zone
Submits at least one program/event report
Up to date website
Chapter has separate official e-mail accounts for its leaders
- Programs Zone
At least 2 professional development and/or community service events per year
Collaborates in at least 2 events with a NSBE Jr. Chapter and/or Collegiate Chapter per year
- Finance Zone
Budget Developed
Fundraising Tools created or other Financial/Resource Support mechanisms in place.
- Administrative Zone
Chapter is demonstrating measurable results from its programming and has threshold engagement with PEB/RPEB- Administrative Zone
Meets All Zone requirements of Silver Level
Demonstrates achievement of some goals in goal plan.
Agendas and Minutes from General Body Meetings published for member consumption
- Membership Zone
> 75% of those who pay Local Dues also pay National Dues
Formal Recognition Program for Member Success in place
- Communication Zone
Chapter-specific Marketing Materials created and used (banners, signs, brochures, flyers, etc.)
- Programs Zone
Conducts monthly programming events throughout the academic year.
Programming executed in PCI, College Initiative, Professional development, and TORCH.
Consistently supports at least 1 NSBE Jr. Chapter or Collegiate Chapter through the year
- Finance Zone
Budget managed in control; chapter financial/in-kind support at plan.
Corporate/Community Partners formally recognized
- Administrative Zone
Chapter is operating at a high level and is demonstrating significant mission- critical results (impact) from their work. Chapter is able to develop and share best practices through RPEB and PEB to share with other chapters.- Administrative Zone
Meets All Zone requirements of Gold Level
Demonstrated achievement of most goals in goal plan.
Documented chapter work processes/procedures, including leadership transition.
- Membership Zone
Goals in chapter Membership Recruitment & Retention plan met.
Member attendance at events at > 50% on average.
> 85% of those who pay Local Dues also pay National Dues
- Communication Zone
Full Programs Data Reporting Participation
Documentation and Sharing of Chapter Best Practice(s)
- Programs Zone
Conducts monthly programming events throughout the calendar year, including summer months.
Chapter members attend National and Regional events (PDC, TPC, RLC, FRC, Zone Meetings).
Chapter Members are SIG members, and SIG participation is tracked by chapter.
- Finance Zone
Awards college scholarships and/or award member professional development funding
Independent audit of chapter finances conducted
- Administrative Zone
Streamlined Reporting
CHIP Reporting Timing:
All Chapters are encouraged to participate.
Monthly Reports
Due by the end of the month
Certain reports (i.e. Chapter Profile, Chapter Leader Contacts) may be reported until the profile is complete or if there’s an update.
Monthly reporting aids Regional counterparts with providing more timely feedback and support if necessary.
NOTE: All submissions for awards consideration at the Annual Convention must be submitted by January 31. This is a hard deadline with no flexibility.