Memorandum of Understanding

What is it?
Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) serve as the foundational framework for partnering with NSBE, establishing clear expectations and responsibilities. They promote alignment on goals, facilitate seamless communication, and bolster the credibility and commitment of both parties to joint initiatives and projects that drive diversity and excellence in engineering forward.
For Partners
Are you ready to foster a more inclusive environment within the industry? MOUs with NSBE include access to a diverse talent pool, enhanced brand visibility within the black engineering community, and opportunities for meaningful collaboration on initiatives that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in the field of engineering.
Our Process
Submit Your ProposalProposal Submission
1-2 weeks
This is the initial stage where stakeholders submit their proposals for potential collaborations or agreements. Proposals should be comprehensive, outlining the objectives, scope, resources required, and expected outcomes of the proposed initiative.
Strategic Alignment Assessment
2-4 weeks
Once proposals are received, they undergo a thorough assessment to ensure alignment with NSBE's strategic goals and priorities. This step involves evaluating the potential impact, risks, and benefits of each proposal in relation to the organization's overarching mission and objectives.
Engagement with Special Interest Group
2-4 weeks
In this stage, proposals engage with relevant special interest groups to gather feedback and input. This ensures that proposaed agreements adequately address the needs, concerns, and interests of diverse stakeholders before final decision-making.
Negotiation and Clarification
3-4 weeks
During this stage, negotiations take place between relevant parties to clarify terms, conditions, and responsibilities outlined in the proposals. This may involve discussions on resource allocation, timelines, deliverables, and any other pertinent aspects of the proposed agreement.
Final Decision
1-2 weeks
Based on the outcomes of the previous steps, a final decision is made regarding whether to proceed with the proposed initiative. This decision takes into account factors such as strategic alignment, feasibility, resource availability, and overall potential for success. Once a decision is reached, appropriate actions are taken to either implement the agreement or communicate the decision to stakeholders.