Let's see the FIYAH RISE in Region 1
Hello NSBE!
I am Satiera Star Caze, a bioengineering student at Northeastern University and your Region I Chair for 2024-2025. I am excited to serve you all and give back to an organization that’s given so much to me.
As we continue NSBE’s 50th-year celebrations, we must continue to reflect upon not only the journey the national society has taken to reach this milestone, but also Region I’s part in this legacy. Region One, or Region FIRST as we are often regarded, has always been dedicated to propelling the mission of NSBE further. Region FIRST was the FIRST region to add the NSBE mission statement to our bylaws. Region FIRST has been the site of the FIRST Regional Leadership Conference, the FIRST Regional Conference, the FIRST international chapter, and many more achievements. We have always lived up to having that FIYAH in NSBE. In past years, we have been in the wake of the effect of the pandemic on our region. We need to revitalize the FIYAH and propel our region forward.
This year’s Regional Directive is RISE: Rebuild, Invigorate, Support, and Engage. This directive addresses the holistic need for Region I to unite and strengthen to cause a RISE in the Region 1 FIYAH.
Rebuild (Region-Chapters connection): There is a need to rebuild the communication between the region and the chapters and rebuild the perception of the REB to the chapters. This means
recruiting a full board to maximize communication, maintain relationships with existing chapters, and charter new chapters. We aim to connect not only through virtual communications but
through chapter visits to increase the visibility of the board. To rebuild the REB-chapter connection is to cause a RISE in our regional strength.
Invigorate (Region-member interaction): The region serves to excite members about our commitment to NSBE’s mission. We will revamp region-member interactions through programming on all sides- providing academic, volunteering, scholarship, and community resources to ALL members (Collegiate AND PCI) throughout the year outside of our conventions. In doing so, we aim to invigorate future NSBE leaders to continue the FIYAH of our region and cause a RISE in regional activity.
Support (Chapter-Member Connection): To continue to sustain our region, we must support the longevity of the chapters. This entails providing chapter development resources and seeking to
address issues the chapters may be facing.
Engage (Member-Member Connection): There’s a need to engage the region with the region. Members need to be able to connect before conventions. This involves facilitating cross-chapter collaborations by providing more avenues through programming and zone events.
With these directives, Region 1 shall ensure that the FIYAH will RISE. We will RISE together.
Satiera Star Caze
2024-2025 Region 1 Chair
National Society of Black Engineers
Region One is structured into six geographical zones and has a strong international presence, making it the most diverse region in NSBE.
🔥 East Canada Zone – Covers Eastern Canada, connecting students from major universities across the zone.
🔥 Upstate Zone (Upstate) – Serves members across Upstate New York, providing resources to chapters in cities like Rochester, Syracuse, and Buffalo.
🔥 NY Metropolitan-Long Island Zone (Metro-LI) – Includes New York City and Long Island, connecting members across one of the most dynamic engineering hubs in the country.
🔥 New England Zone (NEZ) – Encompasses Maine, Massachusetts, Vermont, Connecticut, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island, supporting chapters across these states.
🔥 New Jersey Zone (NJZ) – Represents New Jersey-based chapters, fostering local engagement and professional development.
🔥West Africa Zone (WAZ) - Covering international chapters in Ghana, Nigeria, Uganda, Gambia, Liberia, and Sierra Leone
☝🏾The First Regional Conference (1977): Hosted at MIT, Region One set the precedent for regional conferences within NSBE.
☝🏾The First Regional Leadership Conference (1984): Hosted at Boston University, this event established leadership training at the regional level.
☝🏾Creation of NSBENet (1984): Initiated by Richard White, this was NSBE’s first online communication network, with Cornell University as the first host.
☝🏾National Academic Excellence Committee (1990): Founded by Chris Davis to support NSBE members’ academic success.
NSBE Region One hosts many events throughout the year to engage, develop, and connect members.
🔥Regional Leadership Conference (RLC): Held in the summer, RLC brings together chapter leaders for training, collaboration, and strategic planning to lay the groundwork for a successful NSBE year.
🔥Fall Zone Conferences (FZC): These localized events provide members with training, networking opportunities, and resources tailored to the needs of their respective zones.
🔥Fall Regional Conference (FRC): Region One’s largest event of the fall, FRC offers workshops, networking with industry professionals, a career fair, and professional and academic development opportunities.
🔥Spring Business Meeting (SBM): A pivotal gathering in the spring where Region One leaders discuss regional operations, vote on key initiatives, and prepare for the national convention.
Each of these events plays a crucial role in fostering leadership, professional growth, and community within NSBE Region One.